donderdag 10 januari 2013

Verslag 6 weken engels HWO traject

Hieronder staat een samenvatting wat er iedere les is gedaan bij HWO.

Lesson one:
In the first lesson we works in pairs in a document. The theme of the first lesson is presentence and present simple. We learn this to do games and assignments.

Homework for this week was learn the list of the precentence and presentsimple.

Lesson two:
Also in the second lesson we works in pairs. But this time was it theme of te lessons speaking and conversation. This time we learn it to speak with each other about your hobbies and things they liked.
I think i have a lot of thing learned in the first lessons.

See you next week!

Lesson three:
This were the last lesson of the first three weeks. But i have me enrolled for the next three weeks with English.

In this lesson we have translate a song tekst of the king of rock en roll Elvis.
we have done this Because in this song sits a lot presentence and present simple
I this three weeks i have lear an lot of thing an i look out to the next three weeks!

See you next week!

Na de eerste drie weken konden wij week opnieuw kiezen voor een doorstroom traject ook voor deze periode heb ik gekozen voor engels.

Lesson four:
It is the first lesson of the new period. In this lesson we start with a speaking assignment.
In this assignment we most be speak to each other about you week.
After this assignment we had read texts and after the reading we give a comment.

Lesson five:
In this lesson it were very quiet the cause was the snow. But we have made a English mail. In this mail we asked the tourist information quastions about the city trip.
It was a preparation about the English exams.

Lesson six:
In this lesson i have updated my blog. Also i have worked to my english job interview.

This ware the last lesson for this year.

Geen opmerkingen:

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